Core Wellness Centres // Change Your Life!

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Gym - “it’s not for me!”

But I’m not a gym go-er…

This may have been your belief about gyms! In fact many of our current members would tell you that they “were not a gym person!“. The gym is a place where we go to get fit, healthy, and strong, to lose weight and to have some sort of connection with other like minded people. So why do some of us believe it’s not for us? Let me explain exactly how the gym is a safe environment for everyone and how we operate at Corewellness Centres (CWC) to get the best results for each of our members.

Firstly, looking at those big bulky men staring into the mirror knowing exactly how to train their bodies, is quite intimidating. Secondly, we might have taken out that dreaded standard monthly subscription, where you promise yourself that this year is the year you will lose weight (normally happens around January), get fitter or get stronger. You enter the gym to do some exercise that you are not sure if you are doing right and end up leaving while never returning but still paying (we have all done this). You might have had a PT (Personal Trainer), where you may have got the results you wanted but it didn’t stick, or you had a PT that drove you so hard that you never wanted to see the gym again. Maybe you have the old narrative in your head that lifting weights is going to get you “bulky” and “buff” which is not the look you want. Some of these reasons might have made you feel like a failure, but believe me it’s not you; it’s the old system that has failed the GENERAL POPULATION.

Here at CWC we have developed a program that is people centric, considering each and every personal goal. Whether your goal is to build more muscle, loose weight,  move better, increase your energy levels or maybe recover a disease like diabetes. We are there by your side to help you reach your goals and make it a long term lifestyle change.

What is the system that we use to get our clients the results they want? 

Its small group and large group personal training (SGPT & LGPT)! We have taken the traditional one-to-one personal training and developed this on a larger scale so that we can help as many people as possible (4-8 people max per session) at an affordable cost! What are the benefits of SGPT & LGPT?

  • Camaraderie- To most of us, training in a group is way more fun than training on your own. A little banter is good for us all! This is where you will find your tribe of like minded people building a community around wellness.

  • Accountability- Some of us know what to do in the gym, but its actually getting there, motivating yourself and sticking to a program long-term. At CWC you schedule your training sessions either 2 or 3 times per week. Once it’s in the diary, all you have to do is pitch up and follow the instructions from your PT. That which gets scheduled gets done!

  • Friendly Competition- Our trainers programme monthly challenges. Something simple that allows you to set a goal and measure yourself against your peers. There is nothing wrong with a little competition between members keeping you on your toes and motivated to do your best!

  • Motivation- Training at CWC is definitely stimulating! With the music pumping, lights flashing, trainer shouting, everyone working to their own ability, it’s the exact motivation you will need to get you out of that tired slump and ready to work for results!

  • Personal attention- Our PT’s are focused on corrective training and assisting you to work your body in the correct movement patterns. A great aspect about the group PT at Core Wellness Centres is that no matter your age, everyone is welcome to the same session as we adapt your plan according to your ability. If you are injured or have some sort of disability the trainers have many ways to modify the movement - regressing or progressing you.

  • Our trainers, chiropractors, sports massage therapists and front of house team are in constant communication about all our members highlighting any of the member’s needs, which is so unique to our approach.

  • Support and Advice- As we are a wellness centre, if you are in need for advice on nutrition, lifestyle choices, mindfulness or even a diagnosis, our doctors and team are here to give their advice.

Martin “86 - perfect push ups!”

The CWC gym has members from all ages ranging from 19-86 year olds (Yes!!! An 86 year old doing pushups and planks that would put 20 year olds to shame). We see many different injuries on a daily basis. Our members understand the value of training and how it improves their lives. We have created an environment that is fun, safe, community based and wellness centered to help you reach your goal. Our trainers pride themselves in the knowledge and experience they have learnt throughout their journey and are passionate to teach our members the benefits of exercise and how to move your body correctly.

CWC really cares about our members and we are always evolving to bring you the best sessions possible! If you have not tried our personal group training yet, please contact us and we will give you a buddy pass which allows you TWO FREE sessions to test the waters. 

Keep healthy and keep your body moving! It’s never too late!

Written by Carmen Rudman- Personal Trainer