

“Knowledge gives us permission to live life differently. Long term health change occurs not when you believe but you understand!

Dr Joe-James Tilley D.C.

We believe that it is critical to understand your journey to better health. Over the years we can firmly say that those who get the greatest health changes are those who engage in the learning aspect of their journey. They do not just follow our lead and become “believers” they learn and become “understanders”. Knowledge is critical in this journey to resolving a health challenge or reach your greatest health yet. Dr Joe always says that in order to make significant change in your health and steer away from the typical chronic disease we see in the west, we have to make different choices. We can inform you on those choices but what will keep you making these healthy choices long term is when you understand why!

A selection of our workshops…

Eating For Life

One of our most popular workshops. A full nutritional breakdown of the correct foods we should be eating to enhance our health. An in depth discovery to understand food and how it effects our physiology when we make the incorrect choices.

Bullet Proof Your Spine

Learn the key components for maintaining a healthy spine. This is a fantastic talk for anyone who is interested in learning more about postural correction, back pain or neck pain and what to do in the process of helping yourself.

Neck Pain and Headaches

Its very common for us to see headaches and neck pain at Core Wellness Centres. This talk covers all the information needed to recover these problems. We cover general diagnosis for conditions of the neck and postural deformation’s.

Healthy Gut, Healthy Life

This workshop is an extremely popular workshop. Digesive trouble is very common and this talk gives you the advise and materials needed to transform your gut. Clients have an option of to start a 6 week gut transformation programme with all supplements and consultations provided following the talk.

Eat Sleep Repeat

This workshop focuses on improving sleep! Why is sleep so important? How can we improve our home environment to support better rest and recovery? This talk will give you the information needed to get regular quality sleep.

21 Day Sugar Detox

This programme we run at Core Wellness Centres twice a year. This talk coversr the importance of reducing sugar and how it is detrimental to improving our health. We cover recipes and the approach to the 21 day sugar detox. All support material are provided to candidates.

Wellness 101

This workshop is an introduction to wellness. What is health? What is needed in order for us to be healthy? What is the connection to health and healing? How do our genes come into play? This workshop will inspire you to be the best version of YOU!

Well People Think

What goes on in the space between our ears can dramatically effect our health. This workshop teaches how stress impacts our physiology and consequently our health. It also provides tools that can be put into action immediately to improve the mind and our thought patterns.

Moving for life!

If the benefits of exercise could be made into a medication, it would be the most popular drug in the world! This workshop will cover the benefits of exercise and how to go about getting the most out of physical activity.


Upcoming Workshops

We have an advanced health workshop once a month at Core Wellness Centres. Please see our calendar to see the events and topics we have coming up.